ISSN : 1229-0653
The present study is dealing the influence of independent-interdependent self-construal on social anxiety and the mediational effects of self-esteem and public self-consciousness in South Korea and Japan. Participants were 164 university students in Korea and 152 university students in Japan. As a result, the goodness of fitness of the proposed model was acceptable. More specifically, in both countries independent self-construal was found to have inhibitory influence on social anxiety indirectly through self-esteem and interdependent self-construal was found to have facilitatory influence on social anxiety indirectly through public self-consciousness. The results also showed that in Korea the influence of self-esteem on public self-consciousness is significant, but in Japan that influence is not significant. Lastly, the results were interpreted as suggesting that self-esteem can play a moderational role in the relation between public self-consciousness and social anxiety.
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