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Two-factor Self-Esteem Scale: Individualistic and Collectivistic Factors

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2007, v.21 no.4, pp.117-131

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This study investigated the factors that construct Koreans' self-esteem on the assumption that it would reflect both individualistic and collectivistic dimensions. The study constructed an inventory for Koreans' self-esteem and verified the reliability and validity. In the pilot study, 252 respondents answered 4 open-ended questions about the situations in which they feel proud of or worthy on theirselves. The answers were summarized into 18 categories that including 8 individualistic and 10 collectivistic categories. The preliminary items included these 18 items and 5 theoretical items. In the main study, 295 respondents answered the questionnaire which included 5 scales(Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, Psychological well-being scale, SDS depression scale, Individualism-Collectivism scale and preliminary items). Based on the results of item-total correlation analysis and factor analysis, 6 individualism related items and 6 collectivism related items were selected for the new “2-factor Self-Esteem Scale”. The reliability of this scale was .79. It showed high correlations with Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, psychological well-being, and depression which supports its usefulness as a self-esteem scale. The results showed that the mean of the collectivistic factor is higher than the individualistic factor and the standard deviation of the collectivistic factor is smaller than the individualistic factor.

Individualism-Collectivism culture, Self-Esteem, 2-factor Self-Esteem Scale, 개인주의-집단주의 문화, 자아존중감, 2요인 자아존중감 척도, Individualism-Collectivism culture, Self-Esteem, 2-factor Self-Esteem Scale



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology