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The Examination of Path Model Among Neuroticism, State Anxiety, Self-efficacy, and Career Exploration Behavior:Based on the Regulatory Focus Theory

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2008, v.22 no.4, pp.93-110

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Based on the Regulatory Focus Theory, this study investigated the possibility that neuroticism could prompt one's career exploration behavior under a certain circumstance. For the purpose, this study examined the model fit of the path model driven by the hypothesis that perceived anxiety about career exploration behavior will enhance performance by providing positive motivational cues to an individual who is high in neuroticism while self-efficacy will impede performance. 223 college students(93 men and 130 women) completed measures of neuroticism, career exploration self-efficacy, state anxiety, career exploration behavior, and regulatory focus strategies. This survey was designed as having two types, one including the instruction about positive role models, the other having negative role models. Then in order to classify the participants according to contextual conditions, we randomly assigned the participants to these two types. The results revealed that career exploration anxiety positively mediated the relationship between neuroticism and career exploration behavior while career exploration self-efficacy negatively mediated that relationship. This study also looks into whether relevant variables vary depending on different regulatory focus mechanisms, and whether accordance/discordance between dispositional regulatory focus and situational regulatory focus affects the suitability of this study’s path model. When one was more prevention focused, the extension of neuroticism and perceived anxiety was higher. But when one was more focused on promotion, he had higher career exploration self-efficacy. And when the dispositional and situational regulatory focus were correspondent, the path model could be applied. Explanations for unexpected outcomes and suggestions for future research are also discussed.

Regulatory focus, Neuroticism, State anxiety, Self-efficacy, Career exploration behavior, 조절초점, 신경증, 불안, 자기효능감, 진로탐색행동



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology