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Empathy for Pain of Individuals with Psychopathic Tendencies in a Pain Judgment Task: An Event-Related Brain Potentials Study

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2011, v.25 no.4, pp.121-137

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We examined empathy for pain in undergraduate students divided into psychopathic tendencies(n=15) and control(n=15) groups according to the scores of Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised. Event-related potentials were collected as participants performed a pain judgment task and a hand counting task. The participants were presented with pictures of hands that were in painful or neutral situations. The pain judgment task required attention to pain cues in the stimuli. The hand counting task withdrew their attention from these cues. The statistical analysis of P3 elicited by pain and neutral stimuli in the pain judgment task indicated that psychopathic tendencies group showed significantly higher P3 amplitudes than the control group at the frontocentral and central areas. Psychopathic tendency group responded less accurately than the control group. But both group did not show significant differences in accuracies. These results suggest that individuals with psychopathic tendencies are required more cognitive effort to empathize the others’ pain.

empathy for Pain, psychopathic tendencies, event-related potentials, P3, 사건관련전위, 정신병질 경향성, 고통공감, P3



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology