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Low interpersonal trust increases materialism

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2012, v.26 no.1, pp.23-36

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Although the negative effects of materialism on happiness and social relationships are well-known, the psychological origins of materialism is less examined. One candidate is low levels of interpersonal trust. The possibility that low interpersonal trust leads to a stronger endorsement of materialistic than social values was examined. As expected, those who strongly believed that "there are very few people to trust in this world" were more likely to emphasize material than social values (Study 1), and this tendency spread to close relationships,such as interactions with friends (Study 2). When primed of exemplars of low interpersonal trust, participants placed greater value on materialistic than social experiences (Study 3). Given the crucial role of social resource in happiness and health, low levels of interpersonal trust seems to trigger various maladaptive thoughts and beliefs that may compromise the person's long-term survival.

물질주의, 대인신뢰. 일반적 신뢰, Materialism, Interpersonal trust, Generalized trust



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology