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Psychology of Social Class: Analytic - Holistic Thinking & Social Comparison Orientation

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2016, v.30 no.4, pp.19-36

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This study aims to investigate differences in holistic thinking and social comparison orientation depending on social class. 1,000 college students were asked to respond to Analysis-Holism Scale(AHS), Social Comparison Orientation Scale(the Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure: INCOM), social class, and sex. The results show that analytic-holistic thinking differs depending on one’s perceived social class. The high class people are less holistic than the middle and low class people. The same tendency appears on ‘tolerance of contradiction’ and ‘perception of change’, while not on ‘causal perception’ and ‘locus of attention’, which are the 4 sub-factors of the AHS scale. In case of social comparison orientation, the low class people are more likely to be socially comparative than the middle and high class people. The same pattern was observed in the domains of ability and opinion, both of which are sub-factors of INCOM. The limitations of the study and the suggestions for further research are discussed.

사회계층, 문화, 분석적-종합적 사고성향, 사회비교성향, Social class, Culture, Analytic-holistic thinking style, Social comparison



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology