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Socioeconomic Status and Ambiguity of Criminal Intent on Punitive Judgment

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2018, v.32 no.3, pp.101-118

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The present study examined the interaction of wrongdoer’s socioeconomic status(SES) and the ambiguity of criminal intent in punitive judgment. One hundred ninety two participants were randomly exposed to one of four versions of scenarios varying in the wrongdoer’s SES (high vs. low) and the ambiguity of criminal intent (high or low) and then asked to make punitive judgments. The results showed that the wrongdoers with high SES (vs. low SES) were more responsible and deserved harsher punishment. Of more importance, the impacts of SES on perceived responsibility and punitive judgment were moderated by the ambiguity of criminal intent. That is, the heavier responsibility and severe punishment on wrongdoers with high SES were found only when the criminal intent was ambiguously described. It was not true in the low ambiguity context. The further analyses revealed that the impacts of SES on punitive judgment were mediated by perceived responsibility and the mediated effect were moderated by ambiguity of criminal intent. The results suggest the critical role of uncertainty in punitive judgment and their implications on potential biases of legal systems were discussed.

socioeconomic status, criminal intent, uncertainty, responsibility, punitive judgment, 사회경제적 지위, 범행의도 불확실성, 고의성, 책임지각, 처벌판단



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology