The present study explored the reliability and validity of the Restraint Scale, Korean version. Nondieter group consists of 228 female college students and dieter group consists of 168 female students, also. Factor analysis of the Restraint Scale for both groups produced two replicated factors: Concern for Dieting and Weight Fluctuation. This study was conducted to determine the correlations and the factors of the Restraint Scale, the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire, and the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. A factor analysis showed three factors. The first factor was formed by counter-regulation (EDI-Bulimia, TFEQ-Disinhibition, TFEQ-Hunger, DEBQ-External Eating, DEBQ-Emotional Eating). The second factor was formed by dietary restraint (TFEQ-Cognitive Restraint, DEBQ-Restrained Eating, RS-Concern for Dieting, EDI-Drive for Thinness). The third factor was formed by weight fluctuation (BMI, EDI-Body Dissatisfaction, RS-Weight Fluctuation). Although these three scales may be significantly correlated, they may assess different constructs.