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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Vol.11 No.2

; pp.209-223

This study examined the relationship between family dysfunction and bulimic behaviors, and then investigated the mediating effect of shame-proneness and the moderating effect of informational support in the relationship between parental overprotection and bulimic behaviors. Subjects were 301 female undergraduates who completed self-report measures assessing Parental Bonding Instrument, Shame scales from The Test of Self- Conscious Affect(TOSCA), Informational support scales from revised Interpersonal Support Evaluation List, Bulimia Test-R. The results indicated that the level of parental care didn't influence bulimic behaviors, but the level of parental overprotection accounted for a signigicant portion of variance in bulimic behaviors. This finding was that shame-proneness acted as a mediator in the link between parental overprotection and bulimic attitudes. And informational support acted as a moderator in the link between parental overprotection and bulimic behaviors. These current findings suggest that a comprehensive programs of bulimic behaviors should be focused on a emotional and cognitive vulnerability.

; ; pp.225-241

The purposes of this study were to develop the reliable and valid Problem Gambling Behavior Indicator(PGBI). 249 Kangwon Land casino customers were interviewed about their behavioral experiences in the gaming venue and K-NODS(diagnostic criteria interview based on DSM-IV). 52 casino dealers and safety management personnels were interviewed about the probability and feasibility of 40 behavior indicators of PGBI as a focused group interview. The results of this study show that PGBI composed of 40 behavior indicators were highly reliable(α=.95). All 40 behavior indicators could differentiate between 'recreational or social gamblers', ‘problem gamblers' and 'pathological gamblers' group. Factor structures of PGBI were clearly divided into 5 factors: 'Excessive preoccupation on gambling'; 'aggressive acting out'; 'desperate crying for help'; 'borrowing money for gambling'; 'superstitious behavior'. Ideas on applications of PGBI as a educational and preventive instrument were suggested.


An attempt, defining gambling precisely, was made and perspectives of the public health was adopted in order to classify the factors that influence gambling behaviors. It was discussed about how to define gambling problem to improve the efficiencies of communication between stakeholders. The loss of self-regulation or control on gambling behavior was supposed to be the key factor of the addictive(or pathological) gambling. Theories of self-regulation were reviewed and discussed in relation to the applicability to the assessment and intervention for pathological gamblers. The common-sense model for health and illness of Leventhal et al.(2003) and Cameron(2003, 2004) was adopted as a frame of reference to develop the self-regulation model for gambling behavior. Results of depth interview for pathological gamblers and GA members were fitted with common-sense model. And contents(identity, timeline, cause, consequence, and cure/control) of the representations about gambling addiction of pathological gamblers, social gamblers, addictive gambler's family members, employees of gambling venue, and normal group supported the applicability of common-sense model for gambling behavior. A common-sense self-regulation model for gambling behavior was suggested and discussed in relation with future challenges.

; ; ; ; pp.275-299

This study investigated defect in the executive function of ADHD children. Three groups of 90 children - 30 normal children, 30 ADHD-PHI type children, and 30 ADHD-C type children - were tested on three components (inhibition ability, planning ability, and working memory capacity) of executive function, and their scores were compared with each other. With respect to inhibition ability, ADHD-PI type children were not much defective than the normal children, but ADHD-C type children were clearly defective than the normal control group. In terms of planning ability, both types of ADHD children were found to be defective than the normal children, but there was no difference between the two types of ADHD children. In regard of working memory capacity, both groups of ADHD children were defective than the normal children, but there was no difference between the two types of ADHD children. ADHD-C type children turned out to be more defective than ADHD-PI type children in inhibition ability, but other executive functions were no clear difference between two types. Clinical implications of these results were discussed.


This study was intended to compare two ADHD subtypes(N; inattentive type=5, combined type=12) and neurotic group(n=19) in their frontal executive functioning. WCST used as a frontal-executive task, and KEDI-WISC, ADS were administered. ADHD inattentive type demonstrated deficits in full scale IQ, performance IQ, digit span, arithmetic, digit symbol. So after controlling for IQ, total correct, total error, perseverative errors, perseverative response, conceptual level response were low score in ADHD's inattentive type than combined type and neurotic group. And ADS's ommission error and WCST are correlated significantly. These results suggested that inattention was significantly associated with executive function weakness, whereas hyperactivity-impulsivity was not independently associated with executive function performance. Limitation of these studies and further study directions were also discussed.

; ; pp.315-328

Although death anxiety were assumed as one-dimensional concept, but currently is accepted as multi-dimensional concept. This study was conducted to examine multi-dimensional or one-dimensional concept though factor structure analysis of K-Templer death anxiety scale. Exploratory factor analysis of the Templer death anxiety scale revealed four factors; pure death anxiety, denial of death thinking, awareness of shortness of time, the fear of matters related to death. Even in confirmatory factor analysis, fitness of the 4 factor structure was higher than other factor structure. Therefore, K-templer death anxiety scale is suggested that not one-dimensional concept but multi-dimensional concept including sub concept of four. But test-retest reliability and internal consistency of denial of death thinking factor and awareness of shortness of time factor were low. And factor structure of two factors was unstable as well, accordingly suggested that supplementation of these factors are needed.

; pp.329-344

Purpose of this study was to investigate that the effects of five perceived social reputations consist of sympathetic altruism, reciprocal trust, responsibility, ability competence, appearance competence reputation on psychological well-being and self-esteem, and the effect differences of ability competence and appearance competence reputation between the sexes. In the study results, the more perceived social reputations were positive, the more subjectively perceived happiness, emotional well-being, the more life satisfaction and self-esteem were high. In sexual differences, the reputation which is able and competence were consistently important pre-requisite on man. Different from man, reputation which her appearance is attractive and superior was primal cause to have psychological well-being and self-esteem for woman. Also, in case of woman, it appeared that reputation which is able and competent haven't important effect on subjective happiness and emotional well-being, but have primal effect on appraisal for one' life and self-esteem. These sexual differences and women's complicated implications about ability and appearance competence reputation were discussed from a evolutionary psychological view and social context view.

; pp.345-361

The goal of this study was to investigated the relationships between multidimensional perfectionism and depression, subjective well-being, and how self-esteem mediated those factors. Undergraduate students(n=422) were administered the Multidemensional Perfectionism Scale, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory, the Positive and Negative Affect Scale, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. In the result, correlational analysis showed that self-oriented perfectionism was positively related to positive affects. On the other hand, socially prescribed perfectionism was positively related to negative affects, but negatively related to the satisfaction with life. Regression analysis showed that self-esteem mediated the relation between self-oriented perfectionism and positive affect, and that socially prescribed perfectionism influenced the mediation by self-esteem on depression, negative affect, the satisfaction with life. Lastly, path analysis showed that self-oriented perfectionism increased the degree of the satisfaction with life through self-esteem, positive affects, also showed that socially prescribed perfectionism directly decreased it, or indirectly decreased it through self-esteem and depression.

; ; pp.363-387

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the conventionalized social behaviors, which were connected with Korean Confucianism and constituted salient facets of social norms in Korean culture, upon social adjustment, stress and subjective well-being. The main hypotheses of the study was that behavioral frequency of the 15 important behaviors would influence on subjective well-being through two mediation processes of social adjustment and psychological stress. The subjects of the survey research were 2,129 middle age and college students (average age 32.6) from 7 regional areas in Korea. The main results of this study were as follow: (1) The validity of the above two mediation processes model was confirmed from the fitness test of the covariance structural equation model. (2) It was shown that almost all of the simple correlation coefficients between 15 social behaviors and the above three criteria were significant. (3) The results of the fitness test of the causal model showed that the family relationship, filial piety, relationships with the relatives, devoting and following to the superordinates, caring and directing subordinates and collectivistic behavior contributed positively to subjective well-being respectively. On the other hand both of worship toward ancester and suppression of behavioral expression of negative emotions showed negative path coefficients to the subjective well-being. The meanings of the results were discussed in terms of the Confucian traditions and recent social changes in Korean culture. The limitations of this study and the suggestions for the future study were also discussed.


This study was focused on the psychological understanding of bhakti yoga which is one of the important types of yoga. Bhakti yoga is called yoga of devotion or yoga of love. The meaning of bhakti or bhakti yoga was reviewed through the bahkti sutras by Narada. According to Narada, bhakti has been described as the supreme love towards God and as means as well as goal for God-realization. As means to get the supreme love toward God, it is called apara(lower) bhakti, as goal, para(higher) bhakti. This study reviewed the nine practices of bhakti yoga through srimad bhagavata which is the scripture of bhakti yoga based on the worship of Lord Krishna and other practices of bhakti yoga. I tried to identify the possibility of healing through practices of bhakti yoga and the meaning of healing through the meaning of bhakti and bhakti yoga. Bhakti yoga gives the idea of holistic health in detail because it brings psychotherapeutic value as well as spiritual healing.

; ; ; pp.407-418

This study was attempted to investigate the validity and diagnostic efficiency of the Korean Version of Eating Disorder Examination(KEDE). The KEDE was administered to 106 female patients with eating disorders and 101 normal female college students by two raters who were proven to have a high inter-rater reliability. Discriminant validity was tested by ANOVA. Criterion related validity was tested by a regression analysis using the total score of the KEAT-26 as a criterion variable. Diagnostic efficiency was tested by ROC curve analysis. As the results, KEDE discriminated between eating disorders and normal females. That is, differences between total score of the KEDE and the subscale scores of ‘restraint’, ‘eating concern' and ‘weight concern' except ‘shape concern' of the KEDE were statistically significant. In criterion validation, subscales of the KEDE predicted 56% of variance in KEAT-26. ROC curve analysis showed 86.2% of diagnostic efficiency to discriminate the eating disorders group from the normal control group. These results indicate that the KEDE is a tool with high validity and diagnostic efficiency for the patients with eating disorders and related eating problems and also suggest that the KEDE may be an useful assessment tool to screen the patients with eating disorder and related eating problems on clinical and research purposes.

Dong-Woo Kang(Semyoung Medical Hosptal) ; Si-Young Heo(Nanum Clinic) ; MiinKyu Rhee(Department of Psychology Gyeongsang National University Hosptal) ; Hye-Kyung Lee(Nanum Clinic) ; Young-Ho Lee(Nanum Clinic) pp.407-418

This study was attempted to investigate the validity and diagnostic efficiency of the Korean Version of Eating Disorder Examination(KEDE). The KEDE was administered to 106 female patients with eating disorders and 101 normal female college students by two raters who were proven to have a high inter-rater reliability. Discriminant validity was tested by ANOVA. Criterion related validity was tested by a regression analysis using the total score of the KEAT-26 as a criterion variable. Diagnostic efficiency was tested by ROC curve analysis. As the results, KEDE discriminated between eating disorders and normal females. That is, differences between total score of the KEDE and the subscale scores of 'restraint', 'eating concern' and 'weight concern' except 'shape concern' of the KEDE were statistically significant. In criterion validation, subscales of the KEDE predicted 56% of variance in KEAT-26. ROC curve analysis showed 86.2% of diagnostic efficiency to discriminate the eating disorders group from the normal control group. These results indicate that the KEDE is a tool with high validity and diagnostic efficiency for the patients with eating disorders and related eating problems and also suggest that the KEDE may be an useful assessment tool to screen the patients with eating disorder and related eating problems on clinical and research purposes.


This research is purposed to survey the personality characteristics of alcoholic patients in comparison with depressive patients by administrating Multiphasic Persona Inventory. The Persona‘s and subfactors' scores of the alcoholic patients(n=44), depressive patients(n=42) and normals(n=44) were compared. The results were as follows. The scores of the Playful Child Persona, 'liveliness' subfactor, and 'striving for the goals' subfactor in alcoholic patients were significantly higher than depressive patients. Besides, there were no significant difference between alcoholic patients and depressive patients. That is, the scores of the Critic, the Vulnerable Child, the Perfectionist, and the Pusher Persona both of alcoholic patients and depressive patients were higher than normals. Among the subfactors, the scores of 'vulnerable-sensitivity', 'disgusting the mistakes', and 'defensing the face' of alcoholic patients and depressive patients were significantly higher than normals. Suggestions and limitations of this study and some ideas for further research were proposed.

Soon-Whoan Park(Daenam Hospital) pp.419-435

This research is purposed to survey the personality characteristics of alcoholic patients in comparison with depressive patients by administrating Multiphasic Persona Inventory. The Persona's and subfactors' scores of the alcoholic patients(n=44), depressive patients(n=42) and normals(n=44) were compared. The results were as follows. The scores of the Playful Child Persona, 'liveliness' subfactor, and 'striving for the goals' subfactor in alcoholic patients were significantly higher than depressive patients. Besides, there were no significant difference between alcoholic patients and depressive patients. That is, the scores of the Critic, the Vulnerable Child, the Perfectionist, and the Pusher Persona both of alcoholic patients and depressive patients were higher than normals. Among the subfactors, the scores of 'vulnerable-sensitivity', 'disgusting the mistakes', and 'defensing the face' of alcoholic patients and depressive patients were significantly higher than normals. Suggestions and limitations of this study and some ideas for further research were proposed.


This study aimed to evaluate an integrative model of feeling of fatigue which incorporated traits(extraversion, neuroticism) as well as environmental pressure(high and low stressful conditions). A newly general measure of traits of adolescents(Eysenck personality scale, EPS) was used to assess Extraversion and Neuroticism in advance. 105 undergraduates in Kyung-Gi-Do completed self reported measures(Spilberger's state-trait anxiety scale) and then random assigned on high and low stressful(anxiety induced) conditions. Analysis of variance(ANOVA) showed there was a positive relations between introversion, neuroticism and fatigue in the cases of high stressful condition ; whereas there was a non significant relations in the cases of low stressful condition. Extraversion-Introversion and neuroticism had restricted effects on fatigue through stressful factors. Also Introversion and neuroticism had showed interlocking relationship in high stressful condition. The difference between fatigue and feeling of fatigue, the expected role of Psychoticism must be considered in follow up study. Finally, developmental transition of traits on the bases of physiological states are discussed in the contexts of aging.


In Motivational states theory, 'stress' and 'well-being' are conceptualized as different states of motivation. Stress is defined as motivation frustration or anticipation of motivation frustration, whereas well-being as motivation fulfillment or anticipation of motivation fulfillment. The present study reviewed studies on stress and well-being from the viewpoint of MST. Several suggestions for the integrative study of stress and well-being are made. First, stress management program should focus more on the well-being rather than stress itself(form stress-focused intervention to well-being-focused intervention!). Second, various measurements for well-being need to be developed. Third, better understanding of stress and well-being and the promotion of well-being will be achieved by the advancement of motivational research. Lastly, issues related with the definition of well-being are discussed.

; pp.485-501

The purpose of the present study was to examine differences in perceived stress, stress-coping, and self-efficacy between the cadets of Korea Military Academy(KMA) and the undergraduate students of other university. Additionally, the study was to determined the relationship of the self-efficacy, the stress-coping, and the perceived stress. The subject of the study were 351 cadets and 219 university students. The measurement scales for the self-efficacy was Self-efficacy Scale developed by Kim(1997), and the measurement scales for the stress-coping was The Coping Checklist by Folkman & Lazarus(1985), and the measurement scales for the perceived stress was The Life Stress Scale developed by Jeon(1991). The data was statistically processed through Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, and multiple regression. The results of the study were as follows. First, the stress perceived by cadets are lower than that of undergraduate students. However, the self-efficacy of cadets are higher than that of the undergraduate students. And undergraduate students used the more emotion-focused coping than the cadets. Second, the higher self-efficacy was, the lower stress was. And also the higher self-efficacy was, the more problem-focused coping. The more problem-focused coping was used and the less emotion-focused coping was used, the lower stress was. Self-efficacy had the more influenced on stress than stress-coping. This study suggest that it is helpful to increase the self-efficacy and to decrease the emotion-focused coping for the adjustment and establishing psychological well-being of KMA cadets and university students.

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology