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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Vol.7 No.1

; pp.1-22

The purpose of this study was to develop the Health Behavior Scale that measure cognitions on health and illness, health promotion and illness treatment behaviors, and coping styles with disease. On the basis of this scale, we made national norm of these health cognitions and behaviors. The subjects were 730(male 392, female 338) adults sampled in 12 areas from national population. Cronbach's internal consistency coefficents of this scale were .63 ~ .91. Using this norm, we constructed diagnosis graphs of some patients and suggested behavioral prescriptions for each case. We believe this kind of information might be useful. We also discussed the limitations of this study and implications for appling the health behavior scale to health related institutions were discussed.

; pp.23-41

This study was to investigate the effects of gender, defensive trait and induced defensive situation on anger experience and cardiovascular reactivity of high hostile college students under the provocative social context. Participants of this study were eighty-six college students who had high scores in cynicism of Cook-Medley Hostility Scale. Male and female participants, who had high or low defensiveness trait scores, were randomly assigned into one of the two conditions either induced defensive needs or not. Participants with high defensive trait reported lower anger than those with low defensive trait. Males in the situation with no defensive need reported higher anger than males in that with no defensive need. Males showed lower systolic blood pressure at the condition of low defensive trait and with no defensive need. Males showed higher systolic blood pressure than females and Situational need for defensiveness made systolic blood pressure increase. Results of this study were discussed in related with relevant studies.

; pp.43-61

The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships between stress, coping and social support in college entrance examinees. The research found that stress recognized by the college entrance examinees was different depending upon school grades, financial status, satisfaction in schools, suicide and runaway impulse, along with the drinking. Most of the stresses are coped with a problem-oriented coping. The human-relationship and the emotional stresses were coped with using emotion-oriented coping. When receiving emotional, evaluation, and informational support in relation to the stress and social support, it is indicated that the family factor of stresses are experienced as to be low. When receiving emotional, materialistic, and evaluation support, it is indicated that the physical factor of stress is also low. Therefore, as a result of the present study, the stresses that college entrance examinees experience are not because of school grades, but the pressures from the expectations of their families and friends as for their advancement in society. This functions as the heavier element for their stresses, and at the same time the support from the others is confirmed to be the essential factors in positively dealing with the stress.

; pp.63-79

The participants in this investigation were five persons who enrolled in a Hospitalized Smoking Cessation Program and were suitable for the aims of this investigation. Several psychological tests were performed and medical tests were carried out by professionals. The Five days Hospitalized Smoking Cessation Program is based on multidisciplinary approach in which physicians, psychologists, health specialists, nurses, rehabilitation therapists, and health educators involved. After the program, interviews and counseling by telephone and other kinds of follow up programs were done during 6 months. This was done once a week during the first 3 months and once every two weeks during the last 3 months. Three out of every five cases maintained their abstinence for 6 months. Their experience after participating in the smoking cessation program was phenomenally analyzed. Results indicated that the participants in this study had experienced ambivalence, the urge to smoke, weight gain, withdrawal symptoms, improved self confidence and health promotion. They also performed alternative behaviors, cognitive recollection, and physical exercise.

; ; ; ; ; pp.81-96

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of cognitive training using virtual environment on sustained attention. A total of 27 male juvenile delinquents participated in this study. They were assigned to three groups: cognitive training using virtual environment group(VE group), non-virtual environment cognitive training group(non-VE group), and control group. Before and after training, participants completed continuous performance task(CPT). The difference between pre- and post-training CPT score (hits, reaction time variability, perceptual sensitivity; d', response bias; β) were calculated to investigate the difference of attention among the groups. The difference between CPT scores were analyzed by one way ANOVA. The results were as follows. First, the cognitive training group using virtual environment showed significant increase in hits and decrease in response bias. Second, there was no significant difference between groups in the perceptual sensitivity, but as for VE and non-VE group, there were significant increase in the perceptual sensitivity. Finally, there was no significant difference between groups in the false alarm error. Thus, cognitive training using virtual environment has an effect on improvement of sustained attention.

; ; ; ; ; pp.97-110

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of cognitive training using virtual environment on sustained attention. A total of 27 male juvenile delinquents participated in this study. They were assigned to three groups: cognitive training using virtual environment group(VE group), non-virtual environment cognitive training group(non-VE group), and control group. Before and after training, participants completed continuous performance task(CPT). The difference between pre- and post-training CPT score (hits, reaction time variability, perceptual sensitivity; d', response bias; β) were calculated to investigate the difference of attention among the groups. The difference between CPT scores were analyzed by one way ANOVA. The results were as follows. First, the cognitive training group using virtual environment showed significant increase in hits and decrease in response bias. Second, there was no significant difference between groups in the perceptual sensitivity, but as for VE and non-VE group, there were significant increase in the perceptual sensitivity. Finally, there was no significant difference between groups in the false alarm error. Thus, cognitive training using virtual environment has an effect on improvement of sustained attention.

; pp.111-124

This study was intended to investigate the differences of job stressors and job stress among white-collar workers, blue-collar workers, and professional research workers. Another objective of this study was to examine whether the effects of job stressors on job stress differ among the three groups. Data were obtained from 893 white collar workers, 875 blue collar workers, and 102 professional research workers in a large electronic company. Fourteen job stressors and six job stress variables were measured. There were significant differences in most of job stressors and job stress variables among the three groups. Inter-department conflict and participation on decision making scores were higher in the white collar group than in the two other groups. Leader relation, job insecurity, and environment problem scores were the highest in the blue collar group. Scores of role ambiguity, role overload, role underload, promotion problem, wage problem, and work-family conflict were the highest in the professional research group. Results of stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that peer relation, environment problem, and work-family conflict were significant in explaining the six job stress variables for the white collar group. For the blue collar group, peer relation, work-family conflict, work-aptitude incongruity, and participation on decision making were significant in explaining the six job stress variables. For the professional research group, only role overload was significant in explaining three of the six job stress variables. Finally, implications and limitations of this study were discussed


The present study explored the reliability and validity of the Restraint Scale, Korean version. Nondieter group consists of 228 female college students and dieter group consists of 168 female students, also. Factor analysis of the Restraint Scale for both groups produced two replicated factors: Concern for Dieting and Weight Fluctuation. This study was conducted to determine the correlations and the factors of the Restraint Scale, the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire, and the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. A factor analysis showed three factors. The first factor was formed by counter-regulation (EDI-Bulimia, TFEQ-Disinhibition, TFEQ-Hunger, DEBQ-External Eating, DEBQ-Emotional Eating). The second factor was formed by dietary restraint (TFEQ-Cognitive Restraint, DEBQ-Restrained Eating, RS-Concern for Dieting, EDI-Drive for Thinness). The third factor was formed by weight fluctuation (BMI, EDI-Body Dissatisfaction, RS-Weight Fluctuation). Although these three scales may be significantly correlated, they may assess different constructs.

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology