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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Reliability and Validity of Korean NODS

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2003, v.8 no.3, pp.487-509


The purposes of this study were to investigate the reliability and validity of the Korean NODS(NORC DSM-IV Screen for Gambling Problems; NGISC, 1999). 1,806 Korean male(N=1,163) and female(N=643) adults were interviewed about their own gambling experiences and K-NODS. Participants of the study were divided into normal group(N=1,164), gambling game participant group(N=568), and gambling victim group(N=74). Normal adults recruited from the population of school teachers and college students and their parents and relatives. Gambling game participant group composed of casino(N=330), pari-mutuel(N=129), and bicycle racing(N=109) customers. Victim group composed of Gamblers Anonymous(N=67) and the accused of illegal gambling(N=7). L and P form of K-NODS were highly reliable(Cronbach's α = .91; .91) and stable(4weeks test-retest reliability r=.91; .89). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis found 1 factor structure of both K-NODS L and P. All diagnostic criteria of the K-NODS L form could discriminate among normal, gambling participants, and gambling victim group. Habits of gambling, motivation toward gaining money, and depression were correlated positively with K-NODS L and P score. Whereas self-esteem and proactive coping attitude were correlated negatively. The prevalence of pathological gamblers were 2.8%(L) and 1.7%(P) among Korean normal adults, 35.2%(L) and 31.1%(P) among gambling game participant group, and 87.8%(L) and 60.7%(P) among the victim group. Results of the study were suggested that K-NODS L and P form were both reliable and valid. Finally, cultural issues about diagnostic criteria of pathological gambling were discussed.

gambling problem, NODS, K-NODS, pathological gambling, reliability and validity, gambling problem, NODS, K-NODS, pathological gambling, reliability and validity, 도박 문제, 병적 도박, K-NODS, 신뢰도와 타당도

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology