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Preferred Distributive Norm in the Reward and Cost Allocating Situation

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
1999, v.13 no.2, pp.15-36
Jae-Hong Ko (Department of Social Science, Kyungnam University)
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The present research consisting of two related experiments using two co-worker paradigm concerns to search the preference pattern in the outcome(reward and cost) allocating situation. It was assumed that allocators had the motive to maximize their benefits and to manage their impression simultaneously. After one subject and one confederate work together, in experiment 1 subjects asked to allocate their reward (academic credits) to them and their coworker(confederate) and in experiment 2 asked to cost(academic credits) allocation. In experiment 1, when the motive of subject to maximize self-benefit was prior to impression management and his input(manipulated by die relative size of their and coworker's correct answers) was smaller than coworker's, he allocated their reward according to equality norm. But subject allocated their reward according to equity norm in situation which his motive to manage self-impression was prior to self-benefit and his input was larger than coworker's. In experiment 2 dealing with cost allocation, it was found that subjects generally preferred equality norm to equity norm.. Especially when the motive of subject to manage self-impression was prior to that of self-benefit and his responsibility of the cost was larger than coworker's, subject prefer equality norm to equity norm in allocating their cost. Generally speaking, subjects' preference of distributive norms is different according to outcome valence (reward and cost) and the priority of their motives. Finally above results were discussed in the theoretical and practical contexts.


Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology