ISSN : 1229-0653
There were numerous attempts to explain diverse social issues in Korea, especially focusing on the generational differences which were well expressed Worldcup, 2002 & 2002 presidential election. At this study, we identified that the differences of generations in Korea was not caused by that of age, but by that of cohort groups. The psychological model of generation was proposed to explain the differences of lifestyle among different cohort groups (Whang, 1999). The hypothesis of this research was to identify the lifestyles of different cohorts. The indices of 12 psychological values were applied to 1500 adults that were sampled on national survey. Five types of lifestyles were identified to explain the Koreans' values and attitude across age groups of 20 to over 50. Realistic-conformer type takes about 33.4%, materialistic neo-feudalist about 23.2%, Invidualistic Bobos about 16.8%, Collectivistically Open-hearted about 14.0%, Traditional Conservative about 12.6%. The proportion of lifestyle groups were compared by diverse population features. The results of this study has an implication for correlating individual lifestyles to cohort characteristics. The generational differences may be based on those of lifestyles of diverse cohort groups.
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