ISSN : 1229-0653
The present study had two purposes. First, it attempted to replicate conceptually in Korea the cross- cultural study conducted by Heine, Kitayama, Lehman, Takata, Ide, Leung, & Matsumoto(2001). To do so, we employed the level of self-esteem (SE) as a moderating variable in self-enhancing behavior. Second, it investigated whether the Koreans would show the Japanese cultural pattern of behavior reported in the previous study (Heine et al., 2001) in which the Japanese students showed self-improving motivation while the Canadian students showed self-enhancing motivation. Three versions, varying in difficulty levels, of Korean Remote Association Test (K-RAT) were constructed. Rosenberg's self-esteem(SE) scale was used to select 24 high SE people and 24 low SE among 120 university students of both sexes. Half of each SE groups was randomly assigned to the difficult K-RAT test (Failure condition) and half was to the easy K-RAT test (Success condition). Following the performance feedback of either success or failure, the subjects were given the opportunity to work on another K-RAT (medium difficulty level) up to 15 minutes. The persisting time on the second K-RAT was measured as the major dependent variable. As hypothesized, a significant interaction effect of SE level and feedback condition was found, F(1, 44)=5.62, p<.05. The pattern showed that the high SE people persisted more in the success feedback than in the failure feedback but the low SE people persisted about equally in both feedback conditions. So, the Canadian pattern of Heine et al' study was obtained among the high SE, but the Japanese pattern was not observed. Taken together, the overall pattern shown by the Korean students resembles more of Canadian than of Japanese. The results indicate the validity of SE as a moderator of self-enhancing tendency and warn against the wholesale treatment of East Asian culture.
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