ISSN : 1229-0653
The present study investigated the effect of hostile and benevolent sexism on the attitudes towards female subgroups. 1540 respondents(males 772, females 768) evaluated 12 female groups in terms of the trait characteristics of ability and warmth, and attitudes(measured by feeling thermometer scales) on a survey questionnaire. Four clusters(i. e., professional women, prostitutes, housewives and female counselors) of females subgroups were obtained on the basis of the ability and the warmth ratings. The results demonstrated that hostile sexism was related to the negative attitudes toward female subgroups who were considered as rather nontraditional by the society, compared to the traditional subgroups. This tendency was prominent in male respondents. On the other hand, benevolent sexism was related to the positive attitudes toward female subgroups of career women, housewives and female counselors, while it was associated with negative attitudes toward the prostitute subgroup. The latter effect was stronger among female respondents. These results demonstrated that the benevolent sexism was a new form of sexism, which differed from the traditional meaning of sexism.
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