ISSN : 1229-0653
This research is to study whether innocent participants make false confession on their uncommitted behavior due to the repeated question, which is one of the suggestive questioning methods.For this purpose, the participants went through the false cognition experiment by the computer simulation, and they were manipulated to experience computer errors while they were under the test. After the computer errors occurred, the participants were repeatedly asked four times regarding the possibility of making computer errors of their own. Three-time repetition process was conducted and the response of each participant was tape recorded and analyzed carefully. The experiment showed that the participants' tendency toward admitting their faults on the computer errors was increased as they received more repeated questions. The effect of the repeated question was significantly increased at the third repeated questionThe frequency of participants admitting their faults at the third repeated question was over six times higher than that of at the first repeated question. This proved that the repeated question has an influence over the suggestibility of false confession. This results suggest that future study should compare and analyze the effectiveness for various suggestive questioning types including the repeated question and individual trait.
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