ISSN : 1229-0653
The purpose of this study was to examine the differences of evauation for justice and group value between students and adults sample. The experiment conducted by 3x2 factorial design which was consisted of two kinds of subjects (i.e., students and adults sample) and three kinds of scenarios (control, whistle-blowing, and obedient condition) developed by Yamaguchi (1994). A person who was told to tell a lie to his customers and hide the defects of his company's products was depicted in a scenario. In the control condition, no information regarding the person's behavior was given to the subjects. In the second condition stated that the person blew the whistle on his company. In the obedient condition, the scenario stated that the person obeyed the order. The analysis of variance showed that there was a main effect for each conditions on the evaluation of morality, personality, and social dimension such as justice and cooperation. That is, the whistle blower was perceived as a moral, matured, reliable, and just person. On the other hand, the obedient person was evaluated as a group-oriented one. In addition, the whistle blower was prefered to work as frieds, superior and colleague rather than obedient person.
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(1994) The purpose of this study was to examine the differences of evauation for justice and group value between students and adults sample The experiment conducted by 3x2 factorial design which was consisted of two kinds of subjects and three kinds of scenarios developed by Yamaguchi A person who was told to tell a lie to his customers and hide the defects of his company's products was depicted in a scenario no information regarding the person's behavior was given to the subjects,