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The Relationships of a Married Couple's Perception Congruence to Marital Satisfaction

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2007, v.21 no.2, pp.89-105

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The present study purports to investigate the relationships between several indices of perception congruence and marital satisfaction in married couples. Specifically it was carried out to find whether indices of perception congruence depend on marriage periods, domains, husbands and wives' beliefs and finally whether they are related to martial satisfaction. Data was collected from 155 married couples in Masan and Changwon. They did respond on prepared questionnaire to find out perceptions of the self and his(her) spouse on personalities and beliefs of marriage. Perception about personalities was measured in five domains based on Big 5 personality traits and perception about beliefs of marriage in four domains. The major results are followed: First, there was no meaningful relations between couple's marriage periods and all indices of their perception congruence. Second, in personalities couple's understanding of his(her) spouse was greater than actual and assumed similarity. In beliefs of marriage, assumed similarity that a spouse has the same beliefs of marriage was greater than other measures of perception congruence. Last, the effect on measures of perception congruence on marital satisfaction was different in personalities and beliefs of marriage. In personalities, the greater husband's assumed similarity and wife's understanding were, the greater their marital satisfaction was. In beliefs of marriage, However, the greater actual and assumed similarity of husband was, the greater the his marital satisfaction was. While the greater the wife's assumed similarity was, the greater her marital satisfaction was.

Married couple, Actual similarity, Assumed similarity, Understanding, Marital satisfaction, Married couple, Actual similarity, Assumed similarity, Understanding, Marital satisfaction, 부부, 실제유사성, 가정된 유사성, 이해, 결혼만족



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology