ISSN : 1229-0653
This study evaluated the impact of a program for improving the self-esteem of fourteen juvenile delinquents in prison. The experimental group received a total of fifteen hours of treatment and no treatment was given to the control group. The program included the following:orientation and attitude test; vocational ethics and the meaning of one's job; awareness of one's self merit and importance; social perspectives and sympathy; expression of positive emotions; expression of negative emotions; anger management; impulse management; problem solving and stress management; and the ability to envision a mental picture of one's future and goals. The procedures for a program for improving the self-esteem included audio-visual materials and role-playing. The results indicated that the group assigned to a program for improving the self-esteem had higher self-esteem scores. The results suggest that the implementation of a program for improving the self-esteem has a positive impact for juvenile delinquents in prison.
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