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The relationship between two dimensional narcissism and romantic relationship: Analysis of the investment model

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2012, v.26 no.1, pp.87-101

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This study investigated the influence of narcissism on a romantic relationship using the investment model. The previous study considered narcissism as one dimensional construct. This study elaborated the previous findings by specifying the influence of distinctive dimensions of narcissism. A total of 240 college students completed a questionnaire measuring narcissism and the variables of the investment model. An exploratory factor analysis yielded two dimensions of narcissism, Grandiosity-Exhibitionism and Sensitivity-Vulnerability. The result of the structural equation modeling showed two paths from narcissism to commitment. First, Sensitivity-Vulnerability predicted commitment via relationship satisfaction. Second, Grandiosity-Exhibitionism predicted commitment via two mediators, which were the quality of alternative relationships and relationship satisfaction. In addition, the influences via these two paths counteracted each other, and consequently nullified the influence of Grandiosity-Exhibitionism on commitment. These findings imply the multifaceted roles of narcissism on a romantic relationship.

자기애, 연애관계, 투자모델, Narcissism, Romantic Relationship, Investment Model



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology