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Unconscious Control of Voluntary Task Choice Through Achievement-Goal VS. Fun-Goal Priming

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2012, v.26 no.2, pp.1-14

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The voluntary task switching paradigm is a helpful method to explore task choice behaviors. Using a voluntary task switching paradigm, we examined whether the unconscious pursuit of goals has an impact on switch costs and task choice behavior. At the beginning of the experimental session, participants were randomly assigned to an achievement goal or a fun goal priming condition. The priming manipulation was carried out through a picture-search task. After that, number tasks were presented, and the participants had to choose voluntarily just one of the two numbers, which were always simultaneously presented in Korean (easy task) and in German (difficult task), to judge the magnitude (relative to 5). The results showed that switch costs in error rates were higher in the fun goal priming than in the achievement goal priming. More importantly, the easy task was more often preferred in the achievement goal priming condition than in the fun goal priming condition, while this task choice bias increased among people with chronically high-achievement motivation. Implications of the outcomes for cognitive flexibility in task switching are discussed.

goal priming, task choice, switch costs, cognitive control, achievement goal, fun goal, 목표점화, 과제선택, 과제전환손실, 인지적 조절, 성취목표, 흥미목표



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology