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The Effect of Individual Traits on Risk-taking Decision-making: The Mediating Role of Perceived Benefits and Perceived Costs

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2012, v.26 no.2, pp.51-67

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This paper proposes the relationship between individual trait and risk-taking decision-making and how perceived benefits and perceived costs would mediate the relationship. Risk-taking tasks were presented in domain-specific daily life situations in study 1. As the results of study 1, need for structure had a higher correlation with risk-taking decision-making in general and domain-specific than need for cognition did. Moreover, the mediation effect of perceived benefits was more consistent than that of perceived costs. To investigate if perceived benefits work more strongly than perceived costs even in framing condition, decision-making scenarios about policy issues were presented in positive(benefits focused) or negative framing(costs focused) in study 2. Need for structure influenced a decision on policy through perceived benefits in negative framing at the .07 level, and the interaction effect of need for structure and framing was significant. This paper implies that perceiving benefits would be more crucial than perceiving costs in risk-taking decision-making, and furthermore, decision could be made differently according to decision-making tasks and how they are presented.

위험감수 의사결정, 구조화욕구, 인지욕구, 지각된 이득, 지각된 손실, 틀 효과, risk-taking decision-making, need for structure, need for cognition, perceived benefits, perceived costs, framing effect



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology