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The Implicit Theories of Human and Society in Political Preferences

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2012, v.26 no.2, pp.69-86

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Resistance to change (Right-Wing Authoritarian: RWA) has been proposed as a primary psychological factor to explain various political preferences. To overcome the limitation of tautology in the explanation, the present study proposed and investigated the roles of the Implicit Theory – incremental versus entity beliefs about possibility of change in certain domains, such as individual, society, etc. - in political judgments. 206 participants reported their preference toward 10 political events controversial in Korea for the past 10 years and completed the scales for RWA, the Implicit Theory of individual and society, self-categorization on political orientation. At first, the correlational analyses and subsequent hierarchical multi-regression analyses revealed the main effects of self-rated political tendency, in which Korean people who perceived themselves more politically conservative made more conservative judgments on political issues. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction effect between the implicit theory of society and self-categorized political orientation. Specifically the political conservatives and liberals who believed the incremental theory of society did not differ in political preference. But among the entity theorists of society, the liberals compared to the conservatives made more liberal judgments. In conclusion, the implication of the effect of psychological variables on political judgments was discussed.

변화가능성에 대한 암묵적 이론(implicit theory), 우익권위주의(RWA), 정치성향, 진보와 보수, 정치심리학, implicit theory, right-wing authoritarian, political tendency, conservatism and liberal, political psychology



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology