ISSN : 1229-0653
The purpose of this study is to assess the risk of suicide by using the Implicit association test(IAT) and Emotional stroop task which to measure the implicit attitude or cognitive bias.The research was conducted with detainee(n=18) and college students(n=72). To test the difference between these group, the study used Depression Hopelessness and Suicide Screening Form(DHS). These two groups were resorted by their level of risk suicide. the first group identified as high risk group(n=30) and the second group identified as low risk group(n=60). As expected, the high risk group reported higher score on self-reported depression, hopelessness and suicide ideation scale as well as D score of IAT. The results indicates the high risk group has a high level of the suicide thoughts implicitly. Finally, logistic regression analysis was conducted and proved the self-reported suicide ideation and D score of IAT had a significant predictive power in suicide risk group. Since this study assess the risk by measuring natures that are difficult to fabricate intentionally unlike most suicide risk assessment tools, it is significant in terms of being comparatively free from the possibility of the distortion. Furthermore, it will be helpful in evaluating the suicide risk targeting prisoners in the correctional institution.
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