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Differences in moral behavior associated with perceived parental overprotection among high school students

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2018, v.32 no.4, pp.91-108

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This study investigated the relationship between perceived overprotection and high school students’ moral behavior, and also identified how morality priming influences their behavior. Korean-Parental Overprotection Scale (K-POS) was administered to 1,035 high school students. 33 students who reported high K-POS score (1.5 SD above the mean) were assigned to overprotected group and non-overprotected group of 33 students was randomly selected from the students reporting scores within the average range. Participants were asked to provide consultation to a partner under conflict of interest situation. The results showed that overprotected students were more likely to pursue private profits than control group. However, the pursuit of private profits in overprotected group significantly decreased after morality priming. These results implied that parental overprotection negatively affect adolescents’ moral behavior and priming has an effect on promoting moral behavior. Implications and limitations are further discussed.

parental overprotection, moral behavior, morality priming, high school student, conflict of interest, 과보호 양육 태도, 도덕적 행동, 도덕성 점화, 고등학생, 이익 충돌



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology