This research is purposed to survey the personality characteristics of alcoholic patients in comparison with depressive patients by administrating Multiphasic Persona Inventory. The Persona‘s and subfactors' scores of the alcoholic patients(n=44), depressive patients(n=42) and normals(n=44) were compared. The results were as follows. The scores of the Playful Child Persona, 'liveliness' subfactor, and 'striving for the goals' subfactor in alcoholic patients were significantly higher than depressive patients. Besides, there were no significant difference between alcoholic patients and depressive patients. That is, the scores of the Critic, the Vulnerable Child, the Perfectionist, and the Pusher Persona both of alcoholic patients and depressive patients were higher than normals. Among the subfactors, the scores of 'vulnerable-sensitivity', 'disgusting the mistakes', and 'defensing the face' of alcoholic patients and depressive patients were significantly higher than normals. Suggestions and limitations of this study and some ideas for further research were proposed.
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