The purpose of the present study was to examine differences in perceived stress, stress-coping, and self-efficacy between the cadets of Korea Military Academy(KMA) and the undergraduate students of other university. Additionally, the study was to determined the relationship of the self-efficacy, the stress-coping, and the perceived stress. The subject of the study were 351 cadets and 219 university students. The measurement scales for the self-efficacy was Self-efficacy Scale developed by Kim(1997), and the measurement scales for the stress-coping was The Coping Checklist by Folkman & Lazarus(1985), and the measurement scales for the perceived stress was The Life Stress Scale developed by Jeon(1991). The data was statistically processed through Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, and multiple regression. The results of the study were as follows. First, the stress perceived by cadets are lower than that of undergraduate students. However, the self-efficacy of cadets are higher than that of the undergraduate students. And undergraduate students used the more emotion-focused coping than the cadets. Second, the higher self-efficacy was, the lower stress was. And also the higher self-efficacy was, the more problem-focused coping. The more problem-focused coping was used and the less emotion-focused coping was used, the lower stress was. Self-efficacy had the more influenced on stress than stress-coping. This study suggest that it is helpful to increase the self-efficacy and to decrease the emotion-focused coping for the adjustment and establishing psychological well-being of KMA cadets and university students.
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