The purpose of this study is to test the effects of group program for anger management on anger-in and somatization symptoms of the somatizationprone undergraduate students. The data were collected from 500 undergraduate students, using StateTrait Anger Expression Inventory and Physical Symptom Scale. The participants were selected in the program who are an intention to be take part in the group program for anger management out of more than the top 25% of the angerin score and the physical symptom score in the undergraduate students. The sample of this study is consisted of 18 participants whose 9 in group program for anger management and 9 in the waiting list control group. There were 6 treatment sessions in treatment. A session was more than 150 minutes each. The results of analysis data, Angerin and somatization symptoms were significantly reduced after the participation in the group program for anger management. On the other hand, Angerin and somatization symptoms weren't significantly reduced in the waiting list control group. These results suggest the effects of group program for anger management can be reduced somatization symptoms as well as angerin. That is this program can be effective to reduce somatizationprone in angerin. Finally, it was discussed the significances and limitations of this study.
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