The purpose of this study was to consider the visuospatial ability, memory and executive function of normal adults according to their age groups by using Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test(ROCF). 71 normal adults were divided into the five groups by 10-year age group: I.e, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 year. As a result, 60-69 year-old group acquired significantly low scores of the executive functions and memory recall, but not visuospatial function comparing to other groups. These results reflect that mild cognitive decline starts with 60 years of the elderly. Additionally, this research was to investigate for the aged in relation of cognitive function between the normal aged and patient aged group. Subjects were compose of twenty-two normal aged group and fifteen patient aged group who had mild traumatic brain injury and they all were aged over 50 years. Patient group had a significant visuospatial disability, memory deficit and executive dysfunction relative to normal group. These results indicate that qualitatively different cognitive function due to traumatic brain injury. Finally, the suggestions, limitations and further issues for future study were discussed.
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