This article describes two studies to test the reliability and validity of a Korean Version of Self-Compassion Scale(K-SCS). In Study 1, the result of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the six-factor model consisting of Self-Kindness, Self-Judgment. Common Humanity, Isolation, Mindfulness, and Over-identified fit better than one-single model and three model. The internal consistency of the K-SCS and its subscales was good. Self-compassion as measured by the K-SCS was significantly correlated with positive mental health outcomes such as less depression and anxiety and greater life satisfaction. In Study 2, the result of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the six factor model fit better than one-single model and three model, as in study 1. The internal consistency of the K-SCS and its subscales was good. The result of validity analysis indicate that self-compassion was significantly correlated with positive mental health outcomes such as less depression and anxiety, and greater emotional regulation. Moreover, self-compassion was more strongly correlated with self-esteem than narcissism. These findings suggest that the K-SCS is a reliable and valid scale to measure self-compassion. Finally, the implications of this study and direction for future study were discussed.
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