The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of mindfulness on abstention from Smoking and self efficacy for the members being helped in a Smoking-Cessation Clinic. In order to examine this, 120 subjects who agreed to join the study among 134 who enrolled the smoking cessation clinic were measured of Smoking status and expired carbon monoxide concentration, stress evaluation scale and smoking cessation self efficacy scale. For the selected subjects for the study, 40 were assigned to the mindfulness meditation group, 40 to nicotine patch group, and 40 to waiting list group. Mindfulness meditation program had total 8 sessions and each session was 120 minutes. As a result, the mindfulness meditation group showed more reduced stress and increased self efficacy of smoking cessation than the nicotine patch group. These consequences had maintained for 6 months, 12 months and 24 months in follow up study. This result suggests that mindfulness meditation have effects on the continuous abstention from Smoking through increase the self regulation of stress that influence smoking. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study are discussed.
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