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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

The relations of perfectionism, impulsivity, diet, and binge eating behavior

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2009, v.14 no.1, pp.73-88

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of perfectionism, impulsivity, diet, and binge-eating behavior. The subjects were young women consisted of undergraduate students and working women(n=290), and the measures used were Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale(MPS), Function Impulsivity and Dysfunctional Impulsivity Scale(FIDIS), restrained eating scale in Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnare(DEBQ) and Bulimia test (BULIT-R). The results of this study were summarized as follows: First, as the subject had more serious diet habit, more impulsivity, and higher socially prescribed perfectionism. binge eating behavior more increased. Second, there was significant interaction between socially prescribed perfectionism and impulsivity on binge eating behavior. In other words, binge eating behavior more increased when socially prescribed perfectionism and impulsivity increased altogether. Third, among diet, impulsivity, socially prescribed perfectionism, diet more predicted binge eating behavior. These results suggest that perfectionism, impulsivity and diet are important variable to influence binge eating behavior. The limitations and implications of this study and the directions for further study were discussed.

폭식행동, 섭식절제, 충동성, 사회적으로 부과된 완벽주의, diet, binge eating behavior, Impulsivity, socially prescribed perfectionism, diet, binge eating behavior, Impulsivity, socially prescribed perfectionism



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology