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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effects of EMG Biofeedback Training and Progressive Muscle Relaxation Training on Tension Headache Reduction in Tension Headache Patient's Absorption Capacity

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2009, v.14 no.2, pp.449-464


The present study was designed to test the effects of EMG Biofeedback Training and Progressive Muscle Relaxation Training on headache reduction in tension headache patients' absorption capacity. "Absorption" is the ability of a person to immerse his or her awareness and imaginative and ideational capacities into periods of total attention. Thirty-two subjects, proved to be tension headache patients through Diagnosis Questionnaire, were divided randomly into four groups: Biofeedback group in high absorption, and relaxation group in low absorption. Baseline frontalis EMG level of 2 sessions was measured for 2 weeks. Biofeedback groups receive contingent EMG feedback with instruction to lower there muscle activity level using the auditory feedback for 7 weeks(8 sessions). Relaxation training groups were instructed to practice taped progressive muscle relaxation training procedure for 7 weeks(8 sessions). Follow up frontalis EMG level of 2 sessions was measured for 2 weeks. All subjects were required to record their daliy headache level for all treatment stages. Groups in high absorption were significantly reduced after progressive muscle relaxation training than EMG biofeedback training. Groups in low absorption were significantly improved after EMG biofeedback training. Groups in high absorption were significantly reduced following progressive relaxation training than EMG biofeedback training. Reason for these differences in responsiveness to the treatment were discussed. Finally, implications, restrictions and suggestions of the present study were discussed.

absoription, tension headache patients, EMG biofeedback training, progressive relaxation training, 몰입, 긴장형 두통환자, EMG 바이오피드백 훈련, 점진적 이완 훈련, absoription, tension headache patients, EMG biofeedback training, progressive relaxation training



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology