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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Relationship between Parents’ Rejective Rearing Attitude and Borderline Personality: Focus on the Role of Ego-Resiliency

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2013, v.18 no.3, pp.517-533


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between parents’ rejective rearing attitude and ego-resiliency and borderline personality, and to examine the roles of ego-resiliency in the relationship between parents’ rejective rearing attitude and borderline personality. Participants were 278 (111 males and 167 females) college students, whose average age was 19.92(SD=1.77). Perceived parents’ rejective rearing attitude, ego-resiliency, and level of borderline personality were measured. The results revealed that perceived parents’ rejective rearing attitude was negatively correlated with ego-resiliency of college students. Parents’ rejective rearing attitude was positively correlated with borderline personality; its relation was shown in rejective rearing attitudes of both father and mother. Parents’ rejective rearing attitude was significantly correlated with all sub-factors of borderline personality except for emotional instability. Moreover, ego-resiliency of college students was negatively correlated with borderline personality, and ego-resiliency accounted for around 43.6% variance of borderline personality. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that ego-resiliency partially mediates parents’ rejective rearing attitude and borderline personality. The influences of parents’ rejective rearing attitude and the roles of ego-resiliency in borderline personality were discussed with object relations theory, Adler’s individual psychology, and previous studies, and the direction for further studies and the clinical meaning of this study were recommended.

rearing attitude, ego-resiliency, borderline personality, object relations theory, 부모양육태도, 자아탄력성, 경계선 성격, 대상관계이론



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology