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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Exploration of Causal Model among Sensation Seeking, Impulsiveness, Internet addiction, and Negative Emotions: Moderating Effect of Self-regulation as a Character Strength

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2014, v.19 no.3, pp.747-767


The present study was conducted to explain internet addiction through the character strengths(VIA scale) based on positive traits in positive psychology, which is the scientific study for positive psychological aspects of humans. Using the data of 568 students (male 225, female 343) from four universities in J and D cities, the relationship between internet addiction and character strengths was examined through exploratory regression analysis, and internet addiction was significantly explained by self-regulation, bravery, and love among character strengths. Based on previous studies, the causal model was set up among sensations-seeking and impulsiveness, internet addiction, and negative emotions; sensations-seeking and impulsiveness were predictors of internet addiction while internet addiction was a affecting factor on negative emotions (depression, anxiety). Impulsiveness significantly predicted internet addiction, and sensation-seeking indirectly explained internet addiction through impulsiveness. In addition, internet addiction significantly explained depression and anxiety. Multi-group analysis was conducted in order to explain how the casual model could be explained differently according to the high-low level of self-regulation. In the low level of self-regulation, impulsiveness significantly explained internet addiction, and sensation seeking indirectly explained internet addiction through impulsiveness while internet addiction indirectly explained depression through anxiety. In addition, in the high level of self-regulation, sensations seeking and impulsiveness significantly explained internet addiction, and internet addiction significantly explained depression and anxiety. Consequently, these findings suggested that, while people with low self-regulation used the internet due to the simple impulse, people with high self-regulation used internet for different reasons and the expectation of self-regulation, but the failure of self-regulation could have greater effects on the negative emotions. However, persistent internet addiction, regardless of the level of self-regulation, impacted the negative emotions. Finally, the significance and limitations of this study and the suggestions on future research were discussed.

internet addiction, character strength, negative emotions, sensation seeking, impulsiveness, multi-group analysis, 인터넷 중독, 성격강점, 부정적 정서, 충동성, 감각추구, 다집단분석



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology