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Effect of an Exposure Program to Vegetables to Increase Young Children's Vegetable Consumption

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2015, v.20 no.2, pp.425-444

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This study investigates the effects of direct exposure to vegetables on young children’s consumption of vegetables, with actual nutritional recording. A total of 47 young children with ages ranging from 1 to 4 years old participated in this research. Among these, 24 children were assigned to a 6-month direct vegetable exposure program. Children were assessed on their vegetable consumption before and after the exposure program. The results indicate that the exposure increased the consumption of vegetables compared with the control group. It is noteworthy that those who were exposed to vegetables consumed more nutrients, and more specifically, more ascorbic acid(vitamin C) and folic acid, which are both related to vegetable consumption. These findings suggest that a direct exposure program may not only be effective in correcting children's inappropriate eating habits but may also have positive effects on overall nutrient intake. The limitations of this study as well as the directions for future research are discussed.

시각적 노출, 노출 프로그램, 채소 섭취, 유아, visual exposure, exposure program, vegetable consumption, children, . neophobia..



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology