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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Relationships between Covert Narcissism and SNS Addiction Proneness: Focus on the Mediating Effects of Experiential Avoidance

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2015, v.20 no.3, pp.587-603


The objectives of this study were: 1) to investigate the relationships among covert narcissism, experiential avoidance, and SNS addiction proneness, and 2) to examine the mediating effects of experiential avoidance between covert narcissism and SNS addiction proneness. A total of 342 adults (139 males and 203 females) participated in this study. Their average of age was 25.45 years. Psychological tests used in this study included the following: Gang and Chung’s Covert Narcissism Scale, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-16 (AAQ-16), and Jung and Kim’s SNS Addiction Proneness Scale. Our results indicated that females were more likely to show experiential avoidance and SNS addiction proneness. Covert narcissism was positively correlated with experiential avoidance, while covert narcissism and experiential avoidance were positively correlated with SNS addiction proneness. Hierarchical regression analysis and Sobel test revealed that experiential avoidance partially mediated covert narcissism and SNS addiction proneness. Stepwise regression analysis showed that, among the factor of covert narcissism, exploitation/ego-centrism accounted for most variance of SNS addiction proneness. Additional accountability of commitment behavior was significant. The negative effects of covert narcissism and experiential avoidance were discussed and compared to previous studies. The directions for further studies are discussed. Acceptance commitment therapy and cognitive behavioral approaches are recommended for covert narcissism.

자기애, 수용, 회피, 중독, SNS, narcissism, acceptance, avoidance, addiction, SNS



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology