The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of perfectionistic self-presentation and mbivalence over emotional expressiveness between ocially-prescribed perfectionism and depression to help the university . ata from 541 undergraduate students for analysis. ultidimensional perfectionism scale(MPS), perfectionistic self-presentation scale(PSPS-K), ambivalence over emotional expressiveness questionnaire(AEQ-K), center for epidemiologic studies-depression scale(CES-D) were used for measurements. all variables noticeable positive correlation. The direct effect of socially-prescribed perfectionism to ambivalence over emotional expressiveness was not significant, but the mediating effect of perfectionistic self-presentation between socially-prescribed perfectionism and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness was significant. Perfectionistic self-presentation has no direct effect to depression when there is a significant mediating effect of ambivalence over emotional expressiveness between perfectionistic self-presentation and depression. the path of socially-prescribed perfectionismthe leading variable of perfectionistic self-presentation ambivalence over emotional expressiveness and depression. Based on the result, discuss the meaning and limits of study and suggestfuture .
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