The purpose of this study was to investigate the path of college students’ parent-child communication to interpersonal competency through self-esteem and emotional intelligence. To this end, a questionnaire was surveyed with a total of 468 college students attending a university in Gyeonggi-do, and a total of 438 data(127 male and 311 female) were used for the final analysis. The main research results are as follow. First, parent-child communication predicted self-esteem and emotional intelligence statically, and the higher the level of self-esteem and emotional intelligence, the higher the level of interpersonal competence. Second, self-esteem and emotional intelligence mediate the relationship between the parent-child communication and interpersonal competence verifying the relationship between each variable by setting a research model and an alternative model(competition model). These results, confirmed that communication within the home is crucial for the formation of a positive and smooth interpersonal relationship, to develop and improve self-esteem and emotional intelligence, which impact interpersonal competence, it was found that healthy parent-child communication must precede. Based on the purpose and results of this study, the implications of this study and the direction of future studies are discussed.
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