ISSN : 1229-070X
This study investigated the influence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on media device addiction using longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Korean Children (PSKC), from waves 1 to 13. The ACEs predictor variables included family violence, physical abuse, emotional abuse, experiences of being bullied, parents’ death, divorce, and separation. Frequency and logistic regression analyses were conducted. The results showed that the cumulative ACEs indicated a higher odds ratio on media device addiction. Physical abuse, emotional abuse, and experiences of being bullied were statistically significant predictors of media device addiction. The factors influencing media device addiction were different by gender. Men had a higher risk of media device addiction when they experienced physical abuse or emotional abuse. For women, only emotional abuse increased the likelihood of media device addiction. The influence of ACEs on media device addiction was discussed with an emphasis on prevention and intervention strategies.