This is a case study on the arsonist's behavior of the Daegu subway disaster happened in February 18, 2003 and died 192 persons. Prior to analysis, literatures were reviewed on the relationship between mental disorder and crime, emotional and behavioral problems due to brain damage, and arson crime which were assumed to relate the 57-year-old arsonist Mr. Kim. Analysis of his arson attack was based on the interrogatories of a police officer and a public prosecutor, written statements of references including his family, psychiatric appraisal report, record of author's interview with the arsonist, record of author's telephone interview with the arsonist's daughter and reports on the newspapers. Arsonist Mr. Kim has suffered from stroke which resulted in physical paralysis and aphasia followed by depressed feeling. On falling down the expectation of recovery, it is supposed that he felt anger or hostility to the attending doctor and sometimes later his anger or hostility was displaced and exploited to general people. He was diagnosed as dysthymia in the psychiatric appraisal report, but it is thought that social isolation and inability to control anger or aggression(ICAA) due to brain damage could contribute to fail to control anger and set fire. Formation of crisis intervention networks and facilitating recognition and research on the post-stroke emotional problems were proposed as preventive methods.
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