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  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


  • P-ISSN1229-0653
  • KCI

한국형 남녀평등의식검사(Korean Gender Egalitarianism Scale) 개발

Development of the Korean Gender Egalitarianism Scale(KGES)

한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격 / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2000, v.14 no.1, pp.23-44
김양희(Yanghee Kim) (한국여성개발원)
정경아(Kyoung Ah Jung) (한국여성개발원)


본 연구는 남녀의 능력과 성격, 역할, 사회적 권리와 자유, 그리고 평등정책 및 제도와 관련한 한국인의 태도를 측정할 수 있는 한국형 남녀평등의식검사를 개발하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 한국 문화에서 현대적인 의미에서의 성차별과 남녀평등의식의 개념을 밝히기 위한 문헌 연구와 자유응답조사(N=100명)를 통해 구인을 정의하고 검사의 이론적 구조(생활영역 차원×평등성의 질 차원)를 설정하였으며 문항 선택 및 검사의 타당도와 신뢰도 제고를 위해 2차에 걸친 전문가 조사와 예비 조사(N-195명)를 실시하였다. 한국형 남녀평등의식검사는 전체 80문항으로 구성되었으며 가정, 교육, 직업, 사회ㆍ문화의 생활영역에 따른 4개의 하위척도를 포함한다. 검사의 심리측정적 질을 평가하기 위한 본 조사에서는 전국 4대 도시의 18∼60세의 일반 성인 남녀 1,627명에게 검사를 실시하였고 판별타당도 분석을 위해 여성운동가 147명에게도 검사를 실시하였다. 검사 결과를 바탕으로 타당도와 신뢰도가 분석되었으며 검사의 성별 규준이 마련되었다.



As gender studies have been flourishing in Korea in the past 10 years, the themes as well as the scope of the study have been also expanding. However, adequate instruments for assessing people's attitudes toward women or gender equality had been lacking. Many studies look at the aspect of gender role consciousness in order to diagnose the state of people's awareness of women-related issues and to lay a foundation for developing policy measures to solve women's issues. Due to the absence of measurement tools with proven reliability and validity, as well as cultural relevancy, most of these studies employ scales imported from abroad. Employing scales developed in countries with different cultural norms and customs in relation to gender behavior can pose many problems. For instance, scales such as BSRI(Bem Sex Role Inventory, by Bem, 1974) and SRES(Sex Role Egalitarianism Scale, King & King, 1983) do not deal with issues such as boy preference and married women's relationship with in-laws having significant implications for the lives of women in Korea because of the patriarchal family system. Noting this problem, it is also common for researchers to make up a scale by him/herself and use it without adequate validation processes. In this context, KWDI launched a research project develope the Korean Gender Egalitarianism Scale(KGES), aiming to capture uniqueness of relationship between women and men in Korea. First, the concept of gender egalitarianism was defined and then a theoretical framework or structure for the scale was formulated. Three preliminary surveys were conducted for the construction and review of items as well as for a pilot testing of the scale. Two main surveys were conducted, on the general public(N=1,627) and members of women's organizations, for the purpose of validating the scale as well as of securing the norms. The complete version of the KGES consists of 80 items in four life domains(family, work, education, and culture). The reliability scores(Cronbach α) for the whole scale was .9461 for the general public(men and women), .9347 for women, .9314 for men, and .9643 for the members of women's organizations.


한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격