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Generation Gap in Business Organization: The Role of Inter-generation Perception

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2000, v.14 no.3, pp.1-19
Jasook Koo (The Institude of Psychological Science, Seoul National University)
Myungun Kim (Department of Psychology, Seoul National University)
Joon Han (Department of Sociology, Hallym University)
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This study purports to study the psychological, sociological, and cultural factors behind generation gap and conflicts in complex organizations. We surveyed directors, managers, and assistant managers in large business organizations, asking questions on various dimensions including each others' assessment and subjective generation gap. Results of survey analysis show that generational division exists between ranks and major division lies between assistant managers and their seniors. In organizations, new and old generations recognize each other's strength and weakness at the same time, and on some issues do not show any critical perspectives. Generations' assessment of each other, whether in negative terms or positive terms, have significant impacts on their perception of generation gap. However all generations (or ranks in organizations) agreed in that generation gap is not a big source of conflicts in organizations. In terms of coping strategy, old generation preferred active solution while new generation preferred passive solution.


Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology