ISSN : 1229-0653
This study examined the following hypotheses: First, as found in the previous study(Lee & Hahn, 2003) with male college students, both of the 'womanly- manly' and ‘intelligent- dull' facial dimensions would be also important in the attractiveness ratings of women's faces among men in their 30s. Second, sex-role beliefs, masculinity, dominance, extroversion, and dependency of men would moderate these effects. The main findings of this study were as follows : (1) Men rated womanly faces as more attractive than manly faces, and men rated manly and dull faces as less attractive than the faces in the other conditions; (2) Manly female faces were rated as less attractive by men who were high in masculinity, high in traditional sex-role, or low in dependency. And womanly female faces were rated as more attractive by men who were high in traditional sex-role or low in dependency; (3) Women with the womanly and dull faces were rated as more attractive by men who were high in dominance, extroversion, or traditional sex-role. The implications of this study and suggestions for future study were discussed.
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