ISSN : 1229-0653
For preventing juvenile recidivism and treating criminality of juvenile offenders, this study explored the relationship among features of delinquent conducts, narcissistic personality of juvenile offenders. First, a dependent variable was defined by linearly combining delinquent features of current conduct(s). And then, we investigated the relationship of this variable with narcissistic personality. Finally, we evaluated how delinquent characteristics might be related to narcissistic personality. The major results of this research can be summarized as follows. First, the result indicated there is not any overall significant correlations between narcissistic personality and the features of delinquent conducts. However, significant negative correlations was found among vanity and privilege-consciousness scores, two sub-factors of narcissistic personality scales and criterion variables, delinquent characteristics of current conducts. Second, narcissistic personality, vanity, privilege-consciousness, exploitation and self-centeredness indicated various different relations with delinquency-related features. These results of the present study suggested that narcissistic personality of juvenile offenders might not always make negative effect on actual delinquent behaviors. Thus, with consideration of personality characteristics of juvenile offenders, we could apply more suitable and effective treatments for them.
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First, For preventing juvenile recidivism and treating criminality of juvenile offenders this study explored the relationship among features of delinquent conducts narcissistic personality of juvenile offenders a dependent variable was defined by linearly combining delinquent features of current conduct we investigated the relationship of this variable with narcissistic personality we evaluated how delinquent characteristics might be related to narcissistic personality The major results of this research can be summarized as follows,