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An Empirical Study on Psychological Characteristics of the Battered Women who Killed Husbands

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2006, v.20 no.2, pp.35-55

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Social image of female murderers is dichotomized into ‘madness or badness'. However, this description is too simple since women who kill husbands have long history of being abused by their spouses. In this country, 82.9% among 133 female inmates who killed husbands at Chungjoo Women's Prison have experience of being abused by their victims and 44.5% among them reported being battered as their major motive of killing spouses. This study intended to explore how battered women's perspectives and psychological features might be changed. Analyzed results present the level of being abused was very serious. As a result, mental health problems got deteriorated. They suffered from psychosomatic symptoms, anxiety, depression, and suicidal temptations. However, their aggression level was not so high compared to general population. This implies their aggression level didn't fit stereotypes of violent murderers. All these characteristics got deteriorated up to respondents' marital duration and intensity of being abused. As being abused got worse, post-traumatic stress disorder became worse and they experience greater danger of their own life and their kids'. These results imply that battered women' killing their spouses might be caused not by insanity but by motive to defend themselves and their kids.

Battered Women, Exaggerated Danger Perception, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Aggression, 학대받은 여성, 과잉위험지각, 외상 후 스트레스장애, 공격성



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In this country, Social image of female murderers is dichotomized into 'madness or badness' this description is too simple since women who kill husbands have long history of being abused by their spouses 9% among 133 female inmates who killed husbands at Chungjoo Women's Prison have experience of being abused by their victims and 44 5% among them reported being battered as their major motive of killing spouses This study intended to explore how battered women's perspectives and psychological features might be changed Analyzed results present the level of being abused was very s,

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology