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Factors Affecting Immigrant's Psychological Health: A Study of Korean Immigrants in Australia

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2007, v.21 no.4, pp.55-69

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The purpose of this study was to verify Korean immigrants' characteristics and the factors affecting their psychological adaptation. Two hundred forty two immigrants were asked to respond to the questionnaires. Demographic variables, personal sociocultural variables, motivation of immigration and the perception of congruence between expectation and reality were measured as the factors affecting psychological adaptation, and Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) were used to measure psychological adaptation level. All predictive variables were categorized into ‘pre-migratory decision stage' and ‘post- migratory adaptation stage'. Variables on pre-migratory decision stage include gender, age, education, satisfaction with Korean life, expectation of immigration and motivation of immigration, and variables on post-migratory stage include duration of living in Australia, English proficiency, income and congruence between expectation and reality. Among pre-migratory decision stage variables, education was positively related to life satisfaction and negatively related to depression and anxiety, and avoidance motivation was positively related to anxiety. Among post-migratory adaptation stage variables, English proficiency and income were positively related to life satisfaction and negatively related to depression and anxiety, and level of congruence between expectation and reality was positively related to life satisfaction and negatively related to depression and anxiety. Factor analyses divided congruence between expectation and reality into relational, social, economic and quality of life factors, and relational and quality of life factors significantly predict immigrants' depression, anxiety and life satisfaction. There were gender differences in the factors related to psychological adaptation.

Immigrants, Motivation of immigration, Congruence between expectation and reality, Depression, Anxiety, Life satisfaction, 이민자, 이민 동기, 현실의 기대부응도, 우울, 불안, 삶의 만족도, Immigrants, Motivation of immigration, Congruence between expectation and reality, Depression, Anxiety, Life satisfaction



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology