ISSN : 1229-0653
The purpose of this study is to find variables that influence self-handicapping. After the survey, hypotheses are proved. The implicit belief of intelligence, goal orientation, parenting style, self- efficacy, and fear of appraisal influenced self-handicapping. A person who believed intelligence was fixed and had validation-seeking goal used more self-handicapping. As a result of path analysis, I found that implicit belief of intelligence and goal orientation mediated the effects of parenting style on self- handicapping. This study implies that the outcome-oriented parental style reinforces the belief of fixed intelligence, validation-seeking goal and fosters children's fear of appraisal as a result. However effort-oriented parenting style reinforces the belief that intelligence is improved by efforts, and fosters growth-seeking goal. High self-handicapper uses self-handicapping as a means of avoiding the appraisal of ability. In conclusion, this study suggests that parents' effort-oriented parenting style is important in order to enhance achievement motivation.
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