ISSN : 1229-0653
This paper introduces the hope concept as a promising positive psychological construct. The various conceptualizations of hope reviewed. Snyder's hope theory, which is the most pervasively used, is scrutinized, leaving the identification of some limitations. First, the definition focusing on pathway and agency thinking as well as goal attainment in Snyder's hope theory does not reflect the original meaning of hope in laymen's perspective. In addition, the heavy endorsement in cognitive processes in his theory is subjected to criticism; we call for scholars' attention to other core components of hope (emotion and future aspects). Third, the measurement issue is raised as well since Snyder's Hope Scale neither reflects its own theory, nor includes some other important features of hope. Finally, the applicability of Snyder's hope theory is limited as well in that the narrow-sensed definition of hope in his theory might mislead readers to a restricted meaning of hope. Given these limitations, this paper offers some caution to use and ends with suggestions for future research directions.
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