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A Study on the Differences of Risk Factors of Recidivism Classified by Offense Types of Juvenile Delinquents -Using Risk Assessment Tool and Personality Assessment Inventory-

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2009, v.23 no.2, pp.127-140

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The purpose of this study is to classify the offense types of juvenile delinquents, compare the scores of the risk assessment tool and PAI among these types, and find the recidivism risk factors. First, 333 incipient juvenile criminals who had committed crime in the areas of Chungbuk and Daejeon were categorized into thief/violence/blackmailing group (the offense type) and the scores of th risk assessment tool and PAI were compared among the offense types. The results showed the significant differences among the offense types on the scores of the risk assessment tool, such as family functioning risk factor, school risk factor, delinquent risk factor, away-from-home risk factor, and personal risk factor. PAI scores among the offense types showed the significant differences on PIM (Positive Impression Management) of the validity scales, and AGG (Aggression), SUI (Suicide Ideation), ANX-C (Anxiety-Cognitive), ARD-T (Traumatic Stress), MAN-A (Activity Level), PAR-P (Persecution), and ANT-E (Egocentricity) of the treatment scales. It suggests that the risk factors and the personality traits among the offense types are distinguishable. Secondly, the juvenile recidivists among those who had been booked on the first offense were followed up to find out the relevant recidivism risk factors among the offense types. In case of thief offense group, delinquency-promoting factors, such as delinquent risk factors and away-from-home risk factors and predictor variables, in PAI, were ANX (Anxiety), SUI (Suicide Ideation), ANX-A (Anxiety-Affective), and PAR-P (Persecution). There were delinquency-enhancing factors, such as family structure risk factors, family history risk factors, school risk factors, and delinquent risk factors in case of violence group and predictor variables, in PAI scales, were DOM (Dominance), DEP-A (Depression-Affective), and PAR-P (Persecution). In case of blackmailing group, delinquent risk factors were predictor variables, in PAI, were INF (Infrequency), MAN (Mania), ANT (Antisocial Features), ANT-A (Antisocial Behaviors), STR (Stress), ARD-P (Phobias), and AGG-V (Verbal Aggression). These results as above suggest that the risk assessment tool and the PAI would predict the recidivism in juvenile delinquents.

juvenile delinquents, offense types, risk assessment tool, PAI, recidivism risk, 비행청소년, 범죄유형, 비행촉발요인조사, PAI, 재범위험성



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology